Do you need to drink electrolytes?

When you think about exercise and hydration, the first thing that comes to mind might be drinking water. While staying hydrated is certainly important, there's another aspect to consider: electrolytes.

Electrolytes are minerals in your body that help regulate your fluid balance, muscle function, and blood pressure. They include sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chloride, among others. During exercise, you lose electrolytes through sweat, and if you don't replace them, you can become dehydrated and experience muscle cramps, dizziness, and other symptoms.

So how do you know if you need to supplement with electrolytes during exercise? Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Exercise duration: If you're exercising for over 75 minutes, you're likely losing electrolytes through sweat.

  2. Symptoms: If you're experiencing thirst, dizziness, or muscle cramping during exercise, it could be a sign that you need to replace electrolytes.

  3. Environment: If you're exercising in extreme heat, you're likely losing more electrolytes through sweat than you would in a cooler environment.

  4. Illness: If you're recovering from diarrhea or vomiting, you may need to supplement with electrolytes to replenish what you've lost.

If any of these factors apply to you, it's worth considering supplementing with electrolytes. How much you need is a matter of personal preference and experimentation, but a baseline target is 300-600mg. Some supplements go as high as 1000mg per serving. Start with a lower dose and work your way up if necessary.

So, what are some good options for electrolyte supplements? Here are some popular brands and their stats:

  1. Gatorade Zero: 160mg sodium, 50mg potassium

  2. Beam Elevate: 220mg sodium, 125mg potassium

  3. LMNT: 1000mg sodium, 200mg potassium

  4. Nuun: 300mg sodium, 150mg potassium

  5. Coconut water: 125mg sodium, 979mg potassium

These are just a few examples, and there are plenty of other electrolyte supplements out there. It's important to read the labels and choose a supplement that works for you.

In summary, electrolytes are an important part of staying hydrated and maintaining your performance during exercise. If you're experiencing any symptoms of electrolyte imbalance or exercising in a hot environment, consider supplementing with electrolytes. Experiment with different options and find what works best for you.

Written by: Morgan Voz, Black Iron Nutrition Coach