Have your pie & eat it too


“Are you really not going to eat any pie?”

“What, are you on some kind of a diet?”

“I made all of this food and you aren’t going to eat any of it?”

We hear these phrases all of the time, and not just during the holidays. I’m not sure why our loved ones and friends think that they need to have an opinion on how we choose to eat and take care of our bodies, but they always do. It can be an uncomfortable situation and often leads us to feel bad about the choices we are making to improve our health and find balance in our relationship with food.

The truth of the matter is that when people make comments like this, it often comes from a place of not being ok with where they are in their own health journey. Sometimes they are trying so hard to feel better, but are unsure of how to start their own road to health, that they get defensive and start to badger others. There is something you can do about it though!

  • Talk to your family and friends about WHY you have made the choice to track your food and eat more whole foods. Knowledge is power and you might even inspire them to make positive changes of their own.

  • Bring a healthy dish and dessert to the party and show everyone that you can enjoy your food in a more healthy manner. You can even bring recipe cards.

  • Don’t forget to eat a high protein snack before you go. Then enjoy the treats that are at the party.

  • Complement others on things that aren’t just about how they look. A little encouragement goes a long way. There’s just not enough of that in the world.

  • If pressured to drink, kindly decline if you aren’t drinking and don’t feel like you have to defend yourself. It’s your choice!

Remember in this journey to living a healthier life that nothing is off-limits. A little bit of planning goes a long way, especially going into the holidays. I love ice cream, but it doesn’t love me. You bet I had some on my birthday though. After eating a healthy dinner.  You are in control of the choices you make. It’s up to you. I hope that this holiday season you are applauded for your efforts and not put down for making great lifestyle changes.  

Written By: Maggie Shaffer, Nutrition Coach