Posts tagged Morgan Voz
Susan T.

To say that my coach has been a guiding factor in improving my health, my overall relationship with food and my food choices is an understatement. There were some tough love moments in the beginning where I was concentrating on tiny little measurements, not really seeing the overall picture and she had to keep me in check. I wasn’t eating enough of the RIGHT foods and she guided me through a reverse diet that had me eating more than I maybe ever have, all while seeing body composition changes, feeling good in the gym and feeling more myself in my body as a whole.

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Dan M.

Working with Morgan and BIN for the last year has helped me find the balance of being able to enjoy meals and reach whatever goals I set out to reach. More importantly, I've built a foundation on nutrition and consistency that I can lean on when life gets busy. This last year I've seen several unexpected PRs in the gym and am excited for what's next!

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