Frozen Protein Waffles

The perfect protein frozen waffles!

I have been so disappointed in frozen waffles recently and I knew I could do it better, so I did.

1/3 cup all purpose flour with leavening agent
1/3 cup (35g) vanilla protein powder

1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt
25g honey


  1. Combine dry ingredients & wet ingredients separately, then make a pocket in your dry ingredients bowl and gently mix, be careful to not over mix as it will make the waffles more dense.

  2. Cooking these does require patience as they are more *moist*, so don’t you dare open the waffle iron until they are done. Because they are intended to be frozen and then toasted I wanted to make sure they weren’t going to dry out. Spraying your waffle iron with a non-stick spray or using butter between each waffles will help!

*If you simply want to make them and eat them, cut the yogurt amount in half.

*Mini waffle maker not required but highly suggested.

Macros for 1 mini toaster size waffle (recipe makes 6):

10g Protein
12g Carbs
2g Fat 

Recipe created by: Acacia Jennings