How to Make Your Health a Priority During a Challenging Time

I firmly believe that now more than ever, it’s important for us to prioritize our health and nutrition. Having support and accountability during this time is what many of us need right now. You can work with your coach on:

  • Setting small goals to work towards - things that won't overwhelm you if you find that you’re easily stressed right now. Even working on the smallest thing can make a difference. For example, drinking X oz of water per day, or going for a 10-minute walk on your own. 

  • Figuring out which foods you have access to. Don’t have access to a lot of carbs? Your coach can change your targets and make them higher fat! Struggling to hit protein? Your coach can help you add in plant-based sources of protein.

  • Brainstorming new recipes/foods to try if your usual foods aren’t available to you (I recently tried a Brazilian pork chop recipe that was DELICIOUS since the chicken was out at my grocery store).

  • Figuring out where else you can shop besides your typical grocery store. Look into CSAs, co-ops, online grocery stores, and food subscription services.

  • Completing a 3-day food journal if you don't want to track right now. All you have to do is message that to your coach with your update. They can still work with you on food choices/how to build a plate of food even without tracking!

  • Creating structure and routine in your life. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of treating every day like a weekend now that we’re at home more.

  • Developing habits at home - not only around your food/nutrition/exercise but around your daily lives as well. For example, setting limits on the time spent on social media. Are you waking up/going to bed at the same time? Are they scheduling in quiet time, creative time, or walks for yourself? 

  • Scheduling in self-care. What does self-care look like to you? Are you making time to take care of yourself?

  • Dealing with emotional eating/drinking such as turning to food during times of stress, boredom, loneliness. Your coach and you can work on coming up with a strategy to handle these situations (as well as what to do when stress kills your appetite).

  • Generally maintaining the results you got up to this point. Maintenance can be progress too!

  • If you’ve been training for a race or a competition that was canceled, that doesn’t mean you won't get another opportunity to do something similar. What you do NOW can set you up for even MORE success, since you have more time to work toward that goal.

  • Remember, you didn’t achieve your results/progress in 2 weeks or even a month. So, you’re not going to LOSE that progress during this time either.

  • This too shall pass. Ask yourself what decisions you’re going to be proud of when this does come to an end. Again, we are here for you. We are a team!

Written by: Megan, Nutrition Coach