The Stepping Stone to Consistency That You Might Be Overlooking

We talk all the time about how consistency is king/queen, but if you’re someone who is struggling with consistency you might be missing out on the piece that comes right before it: TRIAL & ERROR

We get it, you just signed up for a coach and you’re ready to GET. TO. WORK.

So you try so hard to just hit some consistent numbers, but you’re struggling and maybe even failing at this. Maybe you’re doing really well but internally you’re hitting burn out and not enjoying anything about it. (PS when this happens please let your coach know!!)

There’s a reason we start clients out slow - well a few reasons - and it mainly comes from giving them a minute to get used to something new.

If you try to force morning workouts from the get-go and it’s just not happening or you snooze your alarm more than you get the workout in, maybe it’s time to start aiming for lunch or after work workouts.

If you’re not a big breakfast person but you’ve never tried eating breakfast and you struggle to hit your macros daily, you might want to give it a shot!

If you’re so sick of your meals by Tuesday that you end up going out to eat or snacking instead and struggle to stay within your calorie goals, it might be time to change up your meal prep (note...there’s so many different ways to prep your food).

When we say this to clients we immediately hear “but I don’t want to waste another week trying things and not hitting my calorie/macro targets” okay...we get it. BUT if you’re using those weeks to iron out routines/habits that work for you in the long run and help you with overall consistency and less frustration is it really a waste of those weeks?

It can take anywhere from 4-12 weeks for new clients to hit targets across the board consistently and our most successful clients LEARN themselves through trial and error in order to make staying consistent easier and therefore are closer to the 12 week mark.

Try something and if it doesn’t work after a few days, switch it up until you find something that does. You’re only going to do something consistently with ease when it works for you and your lifestyle, so take the time to figure out what that means for you and realize what a great use of time that is!