Meredith A.


My coach Sabrina has been so helpful in my months working with her.

She has patiently guided me towards making better food choices in a way that feels manageable and sustainable for me. Doing it this way, I don't feel the sense of deprivation and low-level panic that I normally feel when I try to lose weight.

All this has been great, but the most extraordinary thing she has done for me is to help me break my lifelong habit of emotional eating! I have always used food as a reward and as something to try to sooth myself with when I was upset. Something like cake or ice cream was "forbidden food" and therefore a big rebellion and treat to have! So if I had a bad day I felt like I deserved ice cream to make it better. Although it was forbidden, these special circumstances warranted it. I also used food as an incentive. If I had to do something I didn't want to do, I'd have a cookie to make up for it.

What changed all this was that Sabrina told me I was allowed to have food and deserved food. I don't have to earn it by working or anything else.

This completely changed my mindset . When a situation comes up where I would normally binge on something, I will say to myself "I can have that if I want to. I'll just fit that in to my calories for the day. So how would it taste? Would I really enjoy it? Do I really want it?" And the answer is usually "No."

This is huge for me, especially as a recovering alcoholic! When I got sober years ago, I turned to food to comfort myself and have struggled with my weight as a result. So now I am much better prepared to achieve my goal of getting stronger and healthier as much as possible as I age. I just want to be the most fit, healthy person I can be, and with Sabrina's help and your program, I believe I can do that!