Jade Miller


“I’m being 100% honest when I say I signed up for this challenge with no expectations. I was struggling with my body image & lacked structure in my eating habits. I knew the accountability would help me with consistency, but I gained so much more than that.

At the beginning of this challenge I got my dream job & was dealing with a lot of changes. Having a coach who supported me through the unknown & encouraged me to control what I could was so helpful. Shout out to Amanda for being amazing!

On top of many tattoo sessions, I also had an old injury pop up so I really had to reconsider what I qualified as being active. This was hard in the beginning because of my “all or nothing mindset.” Amanda helped me immensely in shifting my perspective with this. I don’t beat myself up for missing days in the gym, instead I focus on the movement I can get in and make the best of it.

I will say I am beyond proud of myself for the work I put in the last 3 months & the work I will continue to do. Getting a handle on my nutrition has changed my life. Constantly having to decide what to make for lunch/dinner was so exhausting… Now I have a plan every single day and don’t stand in my kitchen binge eating cheese and crackers until I feel sick. For YEARS I thought I was a binge eater… but I’m realizing I was never fueling my body the way it needed to be.

This challenge has helped me create healthier habits all around. I sleep better, I eat better, I feel energized and confident! I also recognize it’s not about perfection. It’s about making lifestyle changes that are sustainable for me. I’m so excited to continue on my journey with coach Amanda. Thank you BIN!”