Courtney R.


How do you even begin to describe someone, whom you’ve never met in person, but you feel like has been your number one fan, supporter, and rock through all the ups and downs of life. Kelsey always went above and beyond to make sure I was taken care of. Beyond standard check-ins, she truly cares about your well being. She is continuously asking what else she can do to help, whether it be regarding nutrition, life, or just a quick note to make sure you’re ok. On many occasions she has been a listening ear, a virtual shoulder to lean on, and a friend. Her understanding of nutrition and how it relates to performance comes naturally to her as she lives it day in and day out (not to mistake this for her hard work and dedication to forever learning- she certainly has seen and experienced it all). She listens to how you’re feeling both mentally and physically, and helps guide you down the path of success. She has been an absolute crucial part of my journey and there is no way I could do this, or even want to do this, without her. When I started with Black Iron Nutrition I would have said I was the fittest I had ever been, but they took me from lean (too lean) and semi-fit, to a stronger, thicker (yes! thicker! it’s a good thing!), healthier, more badass super hero I feel I am now. This is without a doubt the best nutrition coaching I have ever had and I am forever grateful for all they’ve taught me. I would absolutely recommend the Performance Nutrition program to anyone who is looking to take themselves to the next level.