6 ways to increase your daily steps

Trick to getting more steps? Get a dog!

One thing I try to focus on with clients who are trying to lose fat is not so much the hour IN the gym, but what they do in terms of movement the other 23 hours of the day. Personally, I think walking is the most underrated tool.

Here are some tips I give my clients:

1. Work a desk job? Drink water. Sounds silly, but at the very least you are getting up to use the bathroom

2. At the top of each hour go for a 5 minute walk. This will probably help you be more productive in your job. Brains need a break, too.

3. Have a morning goal. Grab your coffee and start the morning with 1,000 steps.

4. Same thing goes for night time. Do a post dinner walk. I have had many clients incorporate this with their spouse. No phones, just a short walk together. Much feedback has been how both are super present and it has built their relationship up. It’s also a great time to talk about what is coming up for the week so everyone is on the same page.

5. Take meeting calls on the go.

6. Create a “walk a day” habit. This means the walk can be 1 minute or 45 minutes. The point is we are creating a habit. Knowing it only has to be one minute will at least get you out the door. More often than not, once we start we are likely to go a bit longer.

Written By: Kelly Baker, Nutrition Coach