Protein Cheat Sheet

Protein is involved in nearly EVERY process in the body! It’s essential for muscle, cell, and tissue growth, as well as repair. It’s involved in cell structure, enzyme function, and transport in the body. It improves recovery and increases strength. It even strengthens our immune function!

Most people know that protein is essential for body composition, performance, and muscle gain, but they’re unaware of how important it is for optimal health. With so many functions, adequate protein consumption is incredibly important. 

And getting a variety of protein in your diet will ensure that you’re getting a diverse array of micronutrients and amino acids.

This cheat sheet, created by Black Iron Nutrition coach Diana Hurd, can help! Use it to know which foods are MOSTLY protein, and which have a variety of macronutrients. They’re all great options and variety is key. Save it so you can reference it frequently to make decisions based on your personal macronutrient breakdown and preferences!

Written By: Diana Toole, Nutrition Coach