Victoria H.


Have you ever had one goal in life that you wanted so bad it kept you up at night? Mine was to ACTUALLY learn nutrition so I could repair my relationship with food and leave the fad diets behind. I was exhausted from guessing if what I was putting in my body was getting me to my goals. I was TIRED of it. I wanted to know my body and really learn what it truly needed. After I recovered from an eating disorder, I found Black Iron Nutrition in May, and from then on I have learned a lifetime full of knowledge. I was a total novice to the nutrition game, and to be honest a little intimidated, but that is the AMAZING thing about this program: no matter your nutrition background you will always have a place at Black Iron Nutrition. They give you all the building blocks you need to be successful for yourself. My coach has been amazing to work with as well. She is so kind, fun and has so much patience. Her knowledge is overflowing and she herself never stops learning. She brings out the best in me and always encourages me. Never have I ever felt more support in my life in a journey. The biggest thing I learned is that no food is “bad” and that there is a place in your life for ALL foods, they just all carry different nutritional value. Gone are the days I feel overwhelming food guilt. I would recommend this program to anyone and everyone no matter your nutritional education.