Natalie N.


When I submitted my application with Black Iron Nutrition three months ago, I didn't really know what to expect. I had reached a point where I was gravely unhappy with my body, and could think of nothing else except my desire to make changes. My weight over the years has been nothing short of a roller coaster, but I had reached the extreme end of the spectrum. I was confiding this in my best friend and she suggested BIN; one of her crossfit friends was working with a BIN coach at the time. I took the coach pairing quiz and read up on all of my matches, but already knew I wanted to work with Marisa. And I was right to follow that instinct.

In the last three months, my body has gone through a pretty amazing transformation (nearly 19 lbs gone!). But the most profound thing to come out of this experience is quite basic - food knowledge. Education is something I have always prioritized in my life, but until BIN, I equated education to be only academic. Food knowledge, in my opinion, is not academic. Knowing what foods to eat, and in what quantity to consume them, should be common knowledge for everyone - it's food!! Marisa laid that out for me, gave me that knowledge, those tools. She also gave me tips, reminders, and sayings like, "use those extra snacks as fuel for your next workout”.

I am beyond thankful for this opportunity, and for receiving the guidance that I really needed. I finally feel like myself again.