

Before joining BIN, I was unfamiliar with it, had never participated in a challenge of this nature, and had never worked with a nutrition coach. Throughout most of my adult life, I believed I had exhausted all avenues for weight loss: counting calories, trying various diets like WW, Keto, and Low Carb, but always encountering the same cycle of temporary success followed by weight regain. Despite following rigorous programs, depriving myself, and exercising constantly, I struggled to maintain weight loss.

Enter my journey with BIN. Initially, I continued my usual routine of tracking my intake, consuming around 1400 calories daily while engaging in boot camp workouts four times a week for the past five months, with no noticeable changes in my body or on the scale.

In the second week, coach Sabrina advised me to increase my calorie intake to 2300, a number I had never dared to approach during previous dieting attempts. Despite my apprehension, I trusted the guidance I had signed up for. My primary goal wasn't just physical transformation but also a shift in mindset. At 53, navigating menopause, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, unhappy with how my clothes fit, and prone to negative self-talk and emotional eating.

Over the following three months, Sabrina's guidance and the daily habit tracker, focusing on essentials like sleep, hydration, steps, and pre-logged meals, kept me committed. I was fully invested, ensuring 100% participation, never missing a check-in regardless of whether the news was good or bad. I openly shared my challenges with Sabrina and received insightful advice that challenged my perspectives and helped me realign my focus.

Previously fixated solely on the scale, I now began measuring progress through tape measurements and photos, witnessing tangible changes in my body despite consistently consuming 2300 calories daily. I found myself exercising more intensely, meeting my step goals, and adapting to consuming more carbohydrates than ever before without gaining weight. My food choices improved significantly, maintaining satiety while adhering to my macros and nutritional goals.

My journey with BIN has surpassed all my expectations. Sabrina's kindness, empathy, and guidance have transformed my pessimistic outlook into positive results. She has become a reliable source of support whom I eagerly anticipate continuing to work with. The BIN Nutrition 101 podcasts and program have proven to be invaluable assets, reshaping my perception of diet culture and cultivating a mindset centered on consistency and self-care. While I'm still on the path to shedding the weight of negative self-talk, I'm embracing grace as I embark on this journey with BIN, eagerly looking forward to what lies ahead.