Bianca R.


Before BIN, I was in a constant state of overtraining and (unknowingly) under-eating. I had an “all or nothing” mindset when it came to my nutrition and restricted a lot of my favorite foods while categorizing them as either good or bad. I was always bulking or cutting, never stayed in maintenance nor did I know how to. I was constantly struggling and realized I needed help. 

A year ago, I invested in myself, hired a coach, and here’s what I’ve learned: 

  • Nutrition doesn’t need to be all or nothing, it needs to be imperfectly consistent 

  • The cultivated habits I’ve built with my coaches has set me up for success and has carried me through all seasons of my life- the good and the sucky

  • I have the knowledge and tools I need to make good nutritional decisions in any given situation.

  • I understand my body more and have learned to listen to it and it’s needs. 

  • I’ve learned  how impactful QUALITY nutrition is and how good it feels to get the right amounts of what my body needs. 

  • Most importantly, my relationship with food is the best it’s ever been and I get to enjoy my favorite foods while still being able to reach my goals. No restrictions. 

Currently in maintenance 😋

Currently killin it at the gym 🤘🏻

I’d like to thank my coaches, Nicole, Carly and Sabrina for getting me to where I am today!
