Samantha H.


I used to think the only way to see results was to eat in a deficit. I remember before starting BIN my gym did a 6 week challenge, and I tried so hard to see results by restricting food and working out like crazy. At the end of the challenge I had actually gained body fat! I was so frustrated and tired of feeling tired, I even stopped going to the gym for a month.

Since working with my coach Maggie my strength and endurance has significantly improved. By focusing on fueling my body I've hit some major milestones at the gym: my first unassisted pull-up (big deal for us long armed tall ladies), increased my squat PR to over 200lbs, snatching 125lbs (before I was lucky if I could snatch 95 for 1), and the list goes on!

I've never felt better in my life! Maggie has encouraged me to focus on consistency over perfection. She's helped me to understand the importance of giving myself grace when life happens. Which as a single mom, life definitely happens!

I've gained tools and knowledge with Maggie and Black Iron Nutrition that will stay with me for life. Thank you!