Katie G.


I’ve been working with Carly since Sept of 2021. My main goal was to build up my physical confidence after having 2 babies 18 months apart. As a former collegiate athlete and current oh-so-average crossfiter, my body sometimes felt foreign.

I’ve learned so much in such a short time. My check-ins with Carly have often felt like mini-therapy sessions. Motherhood is f-ing hard! Nutrition and wellness are so much more than just what we are eating.

And drinking.

Oh wine…I love wine. In the first few weeks with BIN, I realized I wasn’t drinking wine because I loved it. I was drinking out of habit. And that habit was expensive, in so many ways.

I had no idea alcohol affected sleep. No clue. So having less wine was a huge game changer. I love waking up and feeling well rested, starting the day without that alcohol induced anxiety. That energy carries throughout the day and it allows me to be a more present and patient mom. And to crush it at the gym :)

I’ve learned so much more too. That I was under eating (thank you 31 years of diet culture), not getting nearly enough protein, and needed to be more consistent with drinking water. With spending less $$ on wine, my husband and I are able to invest in things we’ve always wanted to - high quality, local meat, a regular babysitter, laser hair removal. Literally the list goes on.

I’m most grateful for the mental shift this has brought on. Since my kids were born, so much of my mental energy has been, in one way or another, “How do I get my pre-baby body back?” Taking the time to work with Carly, learn sustainable nutrition habits, and have a road map to follow for my goals - its taken the stress and worry out of each day. My mind is freed up to do so much more and physically I’m doing things I only dreamt about - busting out HSPUs, hitting PRs on every lift. It’s been an awesome 5 months!