Katherine H.


I’ve been with Black Iron Performance for 6 months now. I have ebbed and flowed throughout those 6 months but mostly flowed. I have fallen back in love with working out and love the programming that comes with it!! I am PR’ing lifts easily when my attitude used to be “meh I’m 34 I don’t need to see how much I can do for fear of hurting myself”. Now I feel stronger than ever and indestructible, so why wouldn’t I go for those bigger numbers. My nutrition is better than it’s ever been, and as a former collegiate athlete I wish I could go back in time and have this kind of instruction then. I always wondered why I struggled so hard on some days when everyone else seemed to just keep that fire. Better late than never I suppose. I was wayyyy under eating and was too scared to gain weight. I liked the way I “looked” bc I was always lean but inside I felt drained and hormonally I was suffering. I love the movement that seems to be happening in the fitness world/media and how it’s shifting more toward mental health and strength vs shredded 24/7. As a member of BIN I now have a better relationship with food and understanding of how to eat and what to use to fuel my workouts AND recover. I could go on and on about my love for what Black Iron has done for me!