Kaitlyn T.


I’ve been working with Ryann at BIN for over a year now, and I will forever be grateful for the things I’ve learned from her! I’ve always been on top of my training (whether that be weightlifting or crossfit), and I felt like I had a pretty good understanding of where my macros should be, but there was always a part of me that wanted to try nutrition coaching to fill in some of the gaps in my knowledge. I’ve now been through multiple maintenance phases, a long bulk, a cut, and some reverse dieting with Ryann. During my bulk, I PR’d my lifts by INSANE numbers – I was so shocked at how strong I got, which made me feel so empowered. Plus side was that I actually didn’t gain a ton of body fat like I had in previous bulks before working with Ryann. I then went into a maintenance phase where Ryann really helped me dial in my consistency and encouraged me to add in more nutrient-dense foods. My cutting phase was when I needed Ryann the most. She taught me how to prioritize protein (at higher daily ratios than I was used to), to eat vegetables (game-changer because I really struggled with eating veggies), to monitor my sodium and water intake, and how to adjust when my sodium is higher. I’ve never been able to sustain a cut before until I had the encouragement and guidance of Ryann, and I am so thankful for that.

I truly think everyone could benefit from having a nutrition coach at some point in their life. You learn about so much more than just food. There are SO many factors that can affect your weight/body composition, and having a nutrition coach can help you make small lifestyle changes that will only benefit you in the long run. I now incorporate at least 300g of fruits/veggies daily without thinking twice about it, prioritize sleep and recovery like it’s my job, and feel the healthiest AND fittest I’ve ever felt in my life, all while eating pasta every other day because it’s my favorite!

I tell my friends and family all the time: nutrition coaching was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, and I would highly encourage anyone to take the leap – you won’t regret it! Thank you Ryann and BIN for everything!!