Elise H.


I started having intestinal issues back in August. It started with pain after eating occasionally and developed into pain after eating ANYTHING, nausea/vomiting, extreme fatigue and just generally being sick. I went to a regular GI doc and they were practically no help. I then finally went and saw a naturopath who got me on track with proper testing and assessment. Before we had even concluded what my diagnosis was he suspected SIBO and Gastroparesis. (oh joy). He highly recommended that I seek help of a nutritionist or nutrition coach that has experience with these sorts of issues and I IMMEDIATELY thought of BIN. He gave me the green light and I have been SO HAPPY since I finally signed up.

From day one your team has been fantastic. Communication about how the waiting list process works was amazing, giving me other options in case I wanted to get started right away, and then how in depth the process for admission was is just incredible. I'm a nurse/coach and I greatly appreciate how detailed the questionnaire for becoming a client is. 

My coach is attentive, realistic, positive and motivational. I have the added pleasure of being her follower on Instagram so I know she understands my health and wellness but that she will also do everything she can to help me reach my athletic goals. 

I'm no where near as healthy as I was before I was sick but having Black Iron Nutrition has been so helpful for my mental health surrounding this whole experience. I know I'm not navigating this whole experience by myself anymore and that is absolutely priceless.

ThriveAshley Beaver