Christine B.


I had a great experience with BIN over the last 2 years. I started the program because I was training for a half marathon and would feel completely drained and sick after my long runs. That paired with a desire to get off my acid reflux medication brought me to BIN to figure out what I could do better. I had counted macros before and knew that it wasn’t what I wanted for myself so the Thrive program was perfect. I could focus on how my body felt and figure out how to eat in a way that worked for me.

Working with Marisa each week was instrumental in figuring out what my body needed to fuel for training but also what it needed to heal from years of reflux and acid reducers. After about 8 months of working on how my body felt with different foods and supplements, I was ready to try to come off my medication. It was slow to build my confidence in the habits that I’d built but now I have been off of it for almost a year and half. I had been on it for 4 years.

With the success I had getting off the medication, I took the time after to build a better relationship with food. Now that everything wasn’t making me sick, I needed to figure out how to eat the things that I had restricted myself from for one reason or another.

Getting off the medication and figuring out how to eat for my life has been incredibly freeing. I think my proudest moment was being able to go on a 10 day vacation and not be concerned about food. Previously I’d be worried about what would be available, would I feel sick, what were my plans if I did feel sick. I was able to go out to an ecolodge in the mountains and spend hours a day out on a boat looking at wildlife being totally present.

Through my work with Marisa I’ve learned so much more about how to fuel myself and take back time in my day from worrying about food and really live.