If you’re gonna quit, quit on a good day

I read this quote the other day, “If you’re gonna quit, then quit on a good day” and that hit.

Can you imagine how many people wouldn’t give up on themselves if they utilized this statement more often

If things are going good, you're “winning”, it’s easy, results are showing, we aren’t often giving up, or running to something different.

When we’re stuck, frustrated, have a bad day, lose, our thoughts can often lead us to wanting to quit, give up, change, think something is wrong. Cuz to be honest it’s hard.

We even forget about the good days. Ladies and gents, not all days are good, and we’re gonna want to quit, but if we quit on a bad day we’re never giving ourselves the opportunity we deserve. We’re allowing a hiccup or struggle to win. We are taking away our chances to be where we want to be.

Success doesn’t just happen. Success comes after hard work. So stop selling yourself short. Stick it out, and if you feel like quitting at least have the audacity to do so when you're kicking ass. Not struggling.

I can confirm anything I’ve quit when I was mad/struggling I regret. And things I’ve ended on a high I’m completely content with.

Written by: Carly Fuhrer, Nutrition Coach