Mallory B.

Lifestyle, Thrive

I've been with Black Iron Nutrition for two and a half years. Prior to starting I’d lost 20lbs on own, and they’ve not only helped me lose 20+ more, but they have helped me get through competitions and rebuild my relationship with food! My progress certainly hasn't been linear, but Black Iron has helped me create consistent habits that work with how I live life. I refuse to meal prep because I always end up wasting the food (I HATE leftovers), I eat out A LOT, and I am a dessert snob and love pastries (I'd live in a french patisserie if I could). I now have the tools to enjoy those things and still hit my goals. When I started I was squatting 250lbs, deadlifting barely 300, my clean max was 155, my snatch was 100, and I couldn't do chest to bar pull-ups or more than 5 kipping pull-ups at a time. Now I'm 20lbs lighter, squatting 315, deadlifting 405, cleaning 215, snatching 150, and doing sets of 10 butterfly c2b. That wouldn't have happened if I wasn't working with Black Iron! My coach now, Marisa, is not only my nutritional guru but also basically my zoom therapist once a week because ya girl stress eats. For someone like me who can easily eat 4,000+ calories a day without even feeling remotely full, having numbers to track and guidance to help me focus on my goals has been life-changing.