Karlee H.


I started black iron in April of 2023. I was a college athlete and once I graduated I had zero idea how to balance my nutrition and workouts. I spent years yo-yo dieting, losing weight then putting it right back on over and over again. When I started with Ryann I was prepared to be restrictive and starve myself because that’s what I thought you had to do to lose weight. But she had me eating more than I ever have before! I was skeptical, but I decided to trust her and I’m so glad I did! The weight and the inches steadily came off, all while gaining muscle and hitting PR’s on ALL of my lifts. But more importantly, my mindset around food and my body completely changed. This wasn’t a fad diet, but a balanced lifestyle that prioritized protein and DESSERT that I know I will stick to for the long haul. I couldn’t be happier and I’m so excited for the more PR’s ahead!