Juan R.


I believe that any diet will work if you truly commit to it, regardless of whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, perform better or simply improve your overall health and well-being.

My journey towards a healthier lifestyle began when I was 23 years old. After a terrifying incident in Mexico where I narrowly escaped death, I felt a strong desire to lose weight. Throughout middle school and until I turned 21, I weighed over 300 pounds. Although I never knew the exact number as I avoided the scale after it showed 295 pounds, I'm certain that my weight surpassed 300 pounds. Between the ages of 23 and 28, I managed to reach 230 pounds but struggled to go below that. My weight constantly fluctuated between 230 and 250 pounds.

Over the years, I've tried numerous programs and diets, experimenting with different approaches to achieve my goals. Among them, the only one that came close to the results I'm currently achieving with Black Iron Nutrition was a paleo diet challenge that took place in a garage in 2011. Under the guidance of a trainer during that challenge, I started at around 230 pounds and managed to reach 205 pounds. The training style was reminiscent of CrossFit, which was my introduction to that form of exercise. I remember being so excited when I ran a 5:03 mile one day in the garage gym and won amongst all of the classes.

Unfortunately, once the paleo challenge ended, my weight slowly started creeping back up. I couldn't sustain the paleo eating style due to its lack of flavor and monotony. Also I was younger and my mindset wasn't in it after that challenge. 

Since 2011, I've tried six to ten different weight loss and overall health programs or diets. I don't harbor any ill feelings towards any other coaches or programs I didn't stick with. Perhaps I could have found success with one of those programs or diets?

About a month before joining BIN, I saw many incredible results through a different program I follow on social media. Witnessing these results, I knew I had to join that program. During a two-hour Zoom call, we discussed many aspects of my life and my fitness and health goals. However, I was shocked when the person on the call informed me that the nutrition and training plan for the first three months would cost nearly $4,000. I spent the rest of the day contemplating whether I should proceed. After consulting with my wife, we decided it would be better to save up for this opportunity in the future. At that moment, I felt trapped, with limited options for my health and fitness journey. Or at least, that's how I perceived it.

It was in October that I discovered BIN through a group of friends. Whenever they posted their results, I found myself yearning to achieve a shredded physique or simply become a better version of myself, just like my friend Mindy Cornelius, since she was the one I knew sticking to something she loved and was getting bad ass results from. I wanted that!

I began my journey with BIN and my coach Carly Fuhrer on October 30, 2022. The extensive information I received and shared prior to starting with BIN impressed me, and I could sense that this program would guide me towards my desired health, fitness, and life goals. After comparing it to another fitness business that charged significantly more, there was no way I could turn down BIN, which cost less than one-eighth of the other option. Needless to say, I am thrilled to have found BIN.

As I mentioned earlier, everything works if you truly want it to. With BIN, I immediately started seeing results, confirming that it was working. We live and learn, and I must admit that I made some decisions that didn't contribute to my health and fitness journey while under Carly's guidance. I occasionally slipped up with drinking or eating things I shouldn't have, which slowed down my progress more than it should have.

In January 2023, a few months into the maintenance phase with Carly, she suggested that I could manage my food intake better and put me on a cut phase, which I am currently following. Since transitioning from the maintenance phase, I've gone from approximately 230 pounds down to 205 pounds today! This cut has made me even more determined. I haven't weighed under 210 pounds since 2011! I can't express enough how excited I am for what lies ahead. Carly has been an incredible source of help, always motivating me and never putting me down. BIN and Carly have an array of tools available for clients, and I genuinely feel a close relationship with both Carly and BIN.

After this cut, I'll enter the maintenance phase again, and I'm excited to witness muscle gains and further fat loss. One observation I've made when transitioning from the maintenance to cut phase is that my strength hasn't significantly declined. I generally feel good and ready for the gym or the day ahead.

With the tools and education I’ve gained from BIN I’ve decided to transition to their Condensed Lifestyle program which means that I’ll be working with another BIN coach. Although it's not easy, I trust that I'll be in good hands no matter who I'm paired with. I have complete faith in BIN and Carly after coming this far.

I do not plan on stopping here, I am far from done! I just want to look good, feel good, move good, and do good.

I have created habits and routines that I will never forget. I will use these tools for the rest of my life now that they are ingrained in me. I never want to stop learning, I’m sure I still have a lot to learn about my body. I have the best relationship with food that I've ever had, and I have a better relationship with my body all around.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for me on this journey