
Chloe grew up in the suburbs of San Diego and played sports throughout her childhood, softball being the one that stuck. She played college softball at Mount St. Mary’s University. She graduated from the Mount with an Elementary Education degree. A couple years after graduating college, Chloe moved to Austin, TX, where she currently resides.  

After graduating, Chloe felt lost in her training since she had been told how to train her whole life, especially in a sport-specific setting. When she moved to Austin, her friend introduced her to an outdoor boot-camp style workout that reminded her of being on a team and conditioning for softball. She immediately fell in love with the workouts, community, and the fact that they were outside for every workout. Chloe always had a passion for fitness and helping others and was drawn to becoming a Personal Trainer. She got her NASM CPT and became a trainer with that company for 7 years. Throughout her workouts, Chloe felt like she had plateaued and knew that her nutrition had a lot to do with that, so she looked into Black Iron Nutrition and got paired with her coach. Through changes in her nutrition and habits, she had seen her workouts and energy level improve. Because of her results and hearing misconceptions surrounding nutrition at her workouts, Chloe wanted to dive more into learning about nutrition and got her PN-L1 certification. 

In 2021, Chloe got pregnant and had seen a gap in knowledge around how to train pregnant/postpartum women from a variety of professionals in the fitness industry. Pregnancy and postpartum is a vulnerable stage in a woman’s life, so she got her Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism certification and is currently training pregnant and postpartum woman. Her goal as a Pregnancy and Postpartum Coach is to help women feel strong and capable of moving through their activities and daily life empowered, and with confidence. 

Chloe has had multiple coaches with BIN through various stages of her life and has seen that the accountability of a coach is so much more than looking at your nutrition. She has talked about preparing for a wedding, mindset, and being pregnant with all of her coaches - shout out to Kels, Ryann, and Maggie! She believes that nutrition is much more than fueling your body. Food is tied to various emotions, can be bonded over, and can provide wellness. Chloe wants to help her clients feel good about and inside the body they have by being a sounding board for them. She’s a big believer in positivity breeds positivity and knows that once you have a better relationship with yourself, all aspects of your life improve as well.


  • Precision Nutrition L1

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism course

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer