
Amanda was born and raised in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area. She spent most of her life as a competitive swimmer and dancer. Amanda’s swimming career was cut short in college when she was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus after months of declining health. At the time, she was told that she would likely never be able to compete in athletics again, which fueled the fire she needed to ensure that would never be the case. Amanda took a whole-body, holistic approach to her treatment, and over time was able to greatly reduce the amount of medication she needed, while working her way back to being able to call herself an “athlete”.

Amanda spent a short time racing triathlons before being introduced to a CrossFit gym and weight training for the first time. She was fortunate to join a gym in Milwaukee after college that happened to house the premier Weightlifting Club in Wisconsin, and she immediately fell in love with Olympic Weightlifting. Since 2016, she’s navigated balancing her health condition with training, nutrition, and recovery, and has managed to set State Records and qualify for National Meets.

Outside of the gym, Amanda is an avid traveler and outdoorswoman. She believes strongly in balancing life in the gym with life out in the real world, and believes that there are few things that a little Vitamin D and alone time with nature (and her dog, Fletcher) can’t solve. 

In college, Amanda earned a Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology with a minor in Nutrition. She then spent eight years working in Technical Sales, but always knew that her “side hustles” as a Nutrition Coach and Artist were where she felt most fulfilled. This year, Amanda made a cross-country move to Charleston, South Carolina, and transitioned to a full time career with Black Iron Nutrition focusing on her passion: helping people to realize their full potential through movement, nutrition, and letting go of self-limiting beliefs. As a coach, it is her goal to arm each of her clients with the tools to achieve balance in their multi-faceted lives; nutrition is just a piece of that puzzle!


  • Human Nutrition / Food Science Minor

  • NASM Certified Sports Nutrition Coach

  • Precision Nutrition L1

  • USAW L1